I saw some work while browsing the web looking at other photographers work, as all of us in the business tend to do! :) In looking at Kara Poates of Daystar Photography in Holmesville, OH, I saw some interesting images. I felt an interview with Kara was something I wanted to share with you, because found some parallels in what we both do and was impressed!!!!
See her work at http://www.daystarphoto.biz/
Questions and Kara's answers follow:
You describe yourself as a "Life and Memories Preservation Specialist"..how did you come to use that moniker to describe yourself?
I came up with the phrase "Life and Memories Preservation Specialist" after
Koa, a fellow Mpixer challenged us to come up with a professional sounding
title that described our specialty or profession. I started thinking about
what I do and why my clients hire me and that is it. They want me to
preserve there memories... their life... whether it is the once in a
life-time wedding or the newborn who will change so much just in that first
year of life. They want me to help them remember and remember well.
What is your favorite part of this business we call professional photography?
My absolute favorite part of my business is shooting seniors. At that age
they have so much personality. They know what they want, where they want to
go and how they want to get there. They come prepared and every kid is
different. I like the challenge of trying to capture who they are not who I
I imagine they should be. I always encourage them to bring things to the
shoot that say something about their personality and likes. I have had
everything from deer heads, samurai swords, vehicles and 4 Wheelers to pets,
instruments, sheet music, books and a variety of uniforms and sports
equipment including bows, guns and snowboards.
copyright held by Daystar photography..may not be reproduced with out permission of copyright holder!!!!!! |
How did you start out in the world of photography?
I became interested in photography at a young age. Two of my Uncles were
very into photography even though they never did it professionally. The one
Uncle also owned a Tshirt shop and one day a tourist left a small 110 pocket
camera while in the store. He/she never came back for it so my Uncle sent it
to me. I soon saved up my money and bought a nicer 110 that had a built in
flash. After about 7 years, my mom still saw how much I loved photography
and bought me a used Canon AE 1 from a neighbor. It had some nice lenses
Fast forward and after my first child was born we had planned for me to be a
stay-at-home mom but boredom was setting in way too quickly so my husband
and I decided I would start a small business but where I could decide my
hours, work from home and have flexibility in my schedule.
What got you interested in photography?
I thought and prayed a lot about it and while I enjoyed several arts and
crafts, I wanted to choose something I wouldn't get bored with. Photography
was the one thing I had stuck with most of my life and never get tired of.
That was the start of this business that I have run for the past 6 years.
What is your favorite image that you've ever created?
I don't have any one particular image that stands out in my mind but there
is a "type" of image that does. Every so often I capture an image of a child
or adult that is pure joy, amazement, contentment, satisfaction, peace or
some other emotion. An image, that just really brings you into that
un-staged moment. Those are the images I love best. Those are the lives and
memories that make my job so rewarding.
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