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Monday, December 13, 2010

Santa pics done with a different twist....

We like doing Santa photos a little differently than most folks..Two examples this case we have the same Santa, who by the way ROCKS!
I like the first one because it not only showcases him but the infant as well...this is one of those images Mom and Dad will hold onto for a long time.  As I recall, this infant was born just four months ago.  A great keepsake for the family. 

The second image is one from two weeks earlier at a Light Up night event.  The young Santa in the image decided he wanted to dress up as Santa for Halloween, so it was a natural for him to wear the costume to the party as well! 

I knew about this one in advance, due to the fact that his Mom and Dad were established clients of mine!  I think Santa was wowed himself by his one.  More great images soon!!!

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